Hello friends,

Today I am going to tell you how you can strengthen your relationship. Whenever we share a relationship, then there are many battles in it, then how can we save our relation from breaking, today we will talk about that.

Step 1: - If you do not know the values ​​and parameters of the person you live with, then you are inviting pain.

1) If you share a relationship with a girl / boy partner then you need to know their life values ​​and parameters. If you do not know, you can hurt them. If this goes on, then it is also time to break the relationship.

2) It happens many times that two people have only something to do with each other and they have to give something, if one expects, the relationship breaks. If you want to make a healthy relationship, then you should know that you have to give something, nothing has to be taken.

3) Relations are like a small plant, they need nutrition.If you knew some functional signal, you would not have such a problem.

Stage: -1 resist

When there is tension in a relationship then the first action signal is the protest.
You may have seen such opposition at some time in the relationship. If there is a fight in the relationship, then the boy / girl will only show resentment, but they do not say that they are angry at which point. In this situation the problem is not solved and after some time, the resentment increases and both of them have to bear the pain.

Stage: -2 Rage

If the problem of resentment is not solvable, then there is more distress in it, even after being together, the distance increases. Couples get away from the heart. And if you do not solve the problem, then the distance starts coming very fast.

Step: -3 Ignorance

When this matter reaches the stage, then the couple are not ready to accept anything from each other. And start going further away from each other, in this stage, along with mental distance, physical distance also comes.

Stage: -4 Emotional issues

From all this, there is a dangerous stage, in this, the couple takes painful decisions then there is a huge loss to the relationship. In this stage, the difference between them increases a lot. And they make stressful situation of each other, they just start thinking about themselves then little love goes in their middle.

The way to stop all these action signals is that

1) Whatever you are angry about, tell it to your partner. You too should listen to them and find another way out. By doing this, they will understand your words and the atmosphere will be light.

 2) Whenever it is a matter of priority, then you give the first priority to the relationship, your relationship will be good by this, enrich your relationship in some special way.

3) Think about what kind of relationship your partner has that you like. Think that you like their favorite things, your relationship will get new refreshment.

Tell daily how much luck you have got such a good wife / husband. Thinking like this, you will start seeing your partner's heart and love will increase in your relationship. You bring a gift for your partner, some time help her, try to give them happiness.



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